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  • Mark Baehnisch

What is a Building Approval?

A Building Approval is the formal approval of plans and construction by a registered Building Certifier and is required for most construction work (including roof replacements) to ensure that the materials and methods used in a project comply with all relevant building laws, including the National Construction Code.

Why do I need a Building Approval for my roofing works?

The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) requires that a Building Approval is obtained by either the roofing contractor or the property owner when roofing works involve the replacement of more than 20 per cent of an existing roof. Roofing contractors must ensure that quotes provided to clients clearly state whether a Building Approval is included within the scope of works.

The general durability of roofing materials means that it is not uncommon for a roof to last 40 to 50 years before replacement is necessary. During that timeframe, building standards and the performance of the materials used for roofing can change dramatically. As such, the intended performance of the new roof system needs to be properly assessed. This is the primary reason why a Building Approval must be sought when replacing a roof.

The Building Approval is reviewed by a Building Certifier who is responsible for ensuring that the roofing system being proposed is suitable for its intended purpose and compliant with current standards. Those standards include but are not limited to; batten size, batten spacings, and tie-downs, including the existing roof frame. The Building Approval is required whether a roof is being replaced due to age and disrepair, or for example, under an insurance claim following damage from a severe weather event such as a hailstorm.

Failure to acquire a Building Approval can have a number of consequences, such as:

· Insurance claims being denied for non-approved aspects.

· Council may demand removal of non-approved aspects.

· Inability to sell a property.

· Structural failure of structures in expected conditions.

Here at The Handy Roofer we include Building Approval in all roof replacement quotes where it is required. If you have any questions regarding Building Approval or metal roof works, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team for more information.

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